Why I hate scott clum and think pagination is cool


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

green is NOT brown.

Okay, has everyone seen those green is brown, yellow, blue, etc ads at bus stops in the city? What the hell are those for?

Last time I checked green was green and the complete lack of any brand identity on these ads has me wondering what the hell are these for? I'm utterly confused.

Now, that said, they did catch my attention and they do have me wondering what is that, which is a definite plus. They are on my mind, I see them everywhere and I rack my brain trying to figure out what they are saying. Alas the problem being that I am not associating these thoughts with any kind of product or event which is bad. Had these adds had some kind of small tag line explaining what it was about (that you could read after the large "green is brown" text caught your attention) that would have been an excellent ad. It gets you thinking, its weird and it has big type(my personal favorite).

Now, that said, I'm going to google this phrase and see if I come up with any campaign and then see if that changes my mind.

Okay, so lots of stuff came up but I don't think any of it had anything to do with the ads. Double plus bonus to anyone who finds something about the ads online for me!! :)


Blogger christina said...

as beth informs me apparently i'm not the only one...

4:05 PM  
Blogger miss beef said...

the only thing i can think of is maybe something environmental...ive seen 'green san francisco' ads before, something like that. but i could be really really far off, so i dunno. its ticking me off, too.

4:18 PM  
Blogger christina said...

maybe its for the green party....hehe, yea i have no idea

4:24 PM  
Blogger xzela said...

green is brown
green = money
brown = UPS

money is brown?


8:16 PM  
Blogger madame artsy said...

I found the answer! It's a teaser for an ad campaign soon to roll out about green energy by our very own PG&E.

* http://www.bunnydesign.com

8:24 PM  
Blogger christina said...

yay! thanks kristin!
okay, now that we know what it is we can discuss it. I know what you are gonna say beth, its bad bad bad because we had no idea what it was about...but let me point this out...it interested us all enough that we ended up finding the answer(well kristin found it, but i blogged about it and you all read my blog so apparently it interested you too), and it became like a project, making it all the more interactive and therefore more effective now that we know what it is about...

9:52 PM  
Blogger miss beef said...

well, it didnt piss me off long enough to make me hate it. also it gets bonus points for being environmental. yay clean energy.

9:13 AM  
Blogger miss beef said...

oh, wait, was i supposed to trash this one? i cant remember which side i was supposed to be on.

9:16 AM  
Blogger christina said...

darn it beth! you messed it up! oh well i suppose we are allowed to agree on somethings, yay environment!

9:19 AM  
Blogger miss beef said...

god i really hate the font!!!!


9:37 AM  
Blogger christina said...

whats wrong with he font?

hehe yes.

9:38 AM  
Blogger madame artsy said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:14 PM  
Blogger madame artsy said...

Actually the font is the one thing I really like about it. Aside from the lack of discernable messaging, the green color (which is all there is left to critique) bugs me, as it's too yellow. When I think green with the word GREEN spelled out - especially a green referring to energy - I think straight up rainbow green like PMS369.

* Kristin

12:15 PM  
Blogger miss beef said...

i like rainbow green, better, too, kristin. but i dont like rainbow green and white font, if that makes sense. i think the white on yellow-green looks neat for some reason.

really christina, i dont have a problem with the font.

i wish they would hurry up and deliver the PG&E goods though. itll be like christmas. almost.

12:26 PM  
Blogger christina said...

i like the color. It reminds me of grass which makes me think nature,environment etc, rainbow green makes me think crayon for some reason and I also like that they used such a big bold font, gives it a bold look(which I hope the rest of the campaign is). I can't wait to see the rest of it!

Also, I really wish that they would have given us some kind of clue so that it was not immediately obvious but to those who took the time to look closely or check out a url the information was available for the finding.

12:32 PM  
Blogger christina said...

p.s. sans serifs rule!

12:33 PM  
Blogger miss beef said...

christina, grass is not yellow green.

12:35 PM  
Blogger christina said...

some grass is...

1:19 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

Speaking of sans serifs, thank you for never being a font snob Christina, like that weird man who was mean to Beth.

...Okay so he wasn't really mean, but he was kinda snotty. And petty. And I still think his design needs some work.

2:26 PM  
Blogger miss beef said...

hahaha. i just didnt look at it long enough to see if it was serif or sans. who cares.

some sans serifs like COMIC SANS MS are terrible, and some are good. its really not an indication (for me) of a good font.

2:33 PM  
Blogger christina said...

yea, i wasn't really referring to anything with that comment I just really like sans serif bold fonts :)

2:34 PM  
Blogger madame artsy said...

...and some grass is brown.

3:25 PM  
Blogger madame artsy said...

the site is up:

This Friday, November 17, San Franciscans will be invited to
lounge on grass couches 8 AM
through the mid-afternoon.
Four real grass couches will appear in the vicinity of the Ferry Building and Justin
Herman Plaza. Additionally, couches will appear in Alamo Square, in front of City Hall, at 77 Beale Street, on Market Street in the heart of the Castro, and at the 16th Street Mission BART Plaza for a total of nine couches citywide. Thousands of passers-by will be invited to have their pictures taken on the grass couches and take home their instant photos in frames made from recycled cardboard and printed with soy-based ink.

3:12 PM  

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